Independent Investors

In general terms an investment is fragile everyday during market hours of operations, in conjunction with each and individual provincial territories and/or state’s associated to North and Central America’s time zone differences varies between winter seasons and summer for American and Canadian global market participants.


The independent investing is requires a due-diligence and focus in particular subject to analyze the missing words and numbers between the lines with mathematical problems solving; and tremendous amount of times and effort of preparation on what next… an ongoing research and analysis to weigh the pros and cons ensuring that you are making well-informed financial decision toward your financial goal.

market research

At global market source International, we are not polite to tell you with comforting word and or any decorative pieces of information to make you feel and believe that investment is easy… that you can just go to sleep and somehow, money will be growing itself similar to vegetable plant.

choose direct products

Invest directly into products that will provide higher gains in return; versus fixed rates. The investment it doesn’t automatically work itself out as most people believe that will be pouring like magical dream and calming raindrops and that you can just relax take it easy. It’s a constant changes that need to in order to earn a greater amount of rewards.

finding right products

An independent private investment is by entrusting-self, to ensure that we are mindful to make the rightful investment and personal decision, in where to invest by choosing the right product and to fully-understand the conflicts of investing into liquid assets global market resources.


Investing similar to living things and/or a plants growth rapidly depending on how much do you spent time and efforts; in order to bearing fruits to enjoy the amazing result of a hard work private independent investing is an individual person and business owner who solely own a financial asset that is item of economic value own by individual and or private corporation an assets that could be able to converted into spare-cash.

cultivating due-diligence process

The investment growth it doesn’t mean that will automatically work itself-out to earn a gainful return without analytical skills and being knowledgeable about what type of industries that you are investing into.

knowing your investment

It is important to know-how an inside-out; generally by knowing historical events and current standing positions, where you can hold yourself out; to maintaining an engagement and commitment to stay inform about the markets new trending development economically, that affecting liquid asset for active participants investor and by knowing where to invest next.