Nanette Moi

Nanette Moi
Corp. Pres. Dir.1 Admin1
Global Market Source International Ltd.
[email protected]

Nanette‘s multi-tasking every day! my creation is giving me a multitude of motivation and determination to transform with greater energies to go above and beyond!

Health is Wealth

In my personal philosophy’s I believe that self-care first and foremost; wealth is health.


The transformation ingredients mixing with positive mental attitude formula’s at 15% knowledge and skills daily with attitude and habits at 85% equal to 100% health and wealth; add a few flakes of spice to balance and aligning with minimum sleep and physical activities associated with fresh-air and sunshine energies with raindrops to growth and cultivation necessary requirements to recharge and circulate self-mechanism to ease flowing organism to wireless immune system 100% is my first and foremost priorities capital assets and investments.

My New Project Adventures

Coming Soon!

My new project adventures for 2025-2030’s I hope to find the right people to work with who shares the similar value as I am., base on principle of honesty with integrity to built-in strong fundamental and intellectual foundation in business relationship. Trustworthiness is earned everyday that’s require to solidified with transparency and accuracy and open mindedness to collaborate with sincere intention and charity to be part of the international organization with greatest emphasizes and enthusiastically reliable to depend on.

Implementation & Establishment 2007

In 2007, was first thought of learning more about the investment, and it took me a longer time to figure out; base on my personal practice learning the pros and cons on how to create a business with distinctive design that is unique and effective a mind feeder stimulators. I thought of names that relates to Global Market, first I had registered on December 17, 2013 under my name Sole Proprietorship Nanette Moi, and first design my logo Global Market Source International in October 2015, then eventually Sole Proprietorship, change after I hire a legal advisor and corrected it for me. First Registered under Extra-Provincial BC dated on September 8, 2016, and Registered under Canadian Federal Business Corporations dated on July 25, 2016.

my basic historical background employment business experience and more!

In this particular webpage I have to basically disclosed about what I have done and where I’ve been between personal achievement and/or work employment; what I focus on learning more about computer technology and so’ on about myself it can get tediously boring; however if anyone want to know the basic part of me, absolutely! it might not be perfect as I am not a writer neither studied an English course; and I don’t think I have time to spare now and whenever; however I’ll do my best to introduce myself.

my trials and error help me learned my lessons!

In over 30 years, I have been part of several organizations; from 2002-2006, I was part of Hotel Express International, business travelers exclusive program the head office in Norway, Europe which is offering hotel 50% discount rack-rate worldwide local and national distributorship in Asian Pacific Regions, African Republic, Europe-UK, and Central North America/Canada.

my sacrifices made me stronger!

In 1990’s to 2003, I was part of SaskTel International project, head office in Regina, Saskatchewan. The SaskTel was involve in the Canadian Federal Government project assignment overseas, in conjunction with Canadian International Development Agency’s (CIDA) partnership with several other telecommunications industries., where the first deployment of cable-systems distribution global networks throughout cable operation’s that laid the groundwork underwater-ocean’s for revolutionary innovations and technologies for internet worldwide foundation with a project that built-in tower’s satellites installations, by connecting small township-municipalities and cities to establish the telecommunications network’s to enhance enabling for internet and satellites to fully-function worldwide. The entire project was completed in approximately over a decades between lands and underwater ocean cable installations; throughout the continents of Asian Pacific Regions and secondly, CIDA’s project in Africa.

my worldwide adventures-experience help me learned and growth!

I have truly and deeply appreciated the value of years involvement with SaskTel International, which is contributed the most important and valuable learning experience personally and professionally, by absorbing multi cultural ethnic diversities in numerous background; within local and international project assignment. It takes greater courage responsibility and commitment enabling to adopt with eased; and flexibility for constant change environmentally, and internationally; lessons-learned for being part of overseas foreign assignments., moving into different cities instantly within local and international destinations its an absolute greatest opportunities to travel free of charge around the world.

my computer technologies background and experience help me realize my potential!

Other experienced about me basic background that I able to do while working and studying combinations in earlier of 1990’s I have studied in Computer Data Base Fundamentals Programming, and general operating procedures “SOS” Software Operating Systems. Lotus 123 back in the oldest and not truly knowing what to gain for such a conflicts technologies. I just realized the purposes and meaning afterwards for over three (3) decades. It’s interesting what’s connected to the unknown futures it’s a surprise guidelines that help me in where I am and what I do to welcome the futures technologies arrivals. I still have my text books of; Computer & Information Technology, Dbase Fundamentals, Learning Guide Computer Concepts, Flow Charting Notebook, Dbase Programming and all of Computer Terms Terminologies.

my computer technology’s help me navigate the unknown roadmaps!

In year of 2000’s I have attended at SIAST Saskatchewan Institute Applied Science and Technologies; in Regina, Saskatchewan, in 2002 have teach a basic computer fundamental program for adult professional for basic technical functionality and terminologies; including powerpoint, words, emails, access database, flowcharts, spreadsheet-accounting important functions.

it makes me who I am today!

More historical that contributed of who I am today. Once I own a fast-food business and in my 20’s I have work in Security Guard Security Services, it was my dream job, however a bit tedious after few years feel like every is a last day and work as a Family Counselor, at Funeral Cemetery & Crematorium Services, (it was my greatest experience unusual and unforgettable job that I never doubt.), in Regina, Saskatchewan. The late 80’s working in Sales Marketing, Printing Press, Publishing and Media Advertisement.